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Re:Dislike foreigners but english is cool? (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: Re:Dislike foreigners but english is cool?
Re:Dislike foreigners but english is cool? 15 Years ago
Karma: 0
Well technically Xenophobia is racism, but I get what you are saying and I agree with you. My grandmother for example has said some terrible things about Black people which I consider racist and offensive, but she doesn't really "hate" black people.
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Re:Dislike foreigners but english is cool? 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
i wonder do Japanese society loves or misunderstand Hispanics in general. I've haven't heard anything mean from Japanese about Hispanic. Though i heard many Spanish words in anime for example bleach they have a group called "Espada" meaning in my country "sword" and the huge monsters called Menos meaning "Low" or "Not Much"
since i always wondered what do the Japanese people think about Hispanics its fun to know LOL
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Shercky (User)
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 4
Re:Dislike foreigners but english is cool? 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
I'm not Japanese so I can't really say what they think but I've heard a lot of different languages in anime(japanese version of course) but I don't think they ever used it in a bad way. English is used a lot, french and german too. But those languages are more fit to the situation I guess.
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Re:Dislike foreigners but english is cool? 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
hhm I've should of correctly put the sentence in a correct way my bad. no what i was trying to say is do Japanese people like Hispanic in general not language wise more of a do they even know about Hispanics LOL but if not ill be the first hooray
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Darian (User)
Junior Boarder
Posts: 22
Re:Dislike foreigners but english is cool? 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 2
From hat i learned about Japanese culture it is not racism per se, think about how Japan in the past thought about Japanese people living in foreign lands, there offspring was not considerd Japanese, in the more extreme times anyone who left Japan to life somewhere else was automatic an foreigner.
I think it is more about a very strong idendification with the own culture, not in a malicious way, like racism is, one can consider the own culture all there is.
Japan is an isle nation and until a short time ago immigration was not an option (limited food ressources, limited area already occupied.
Not the breeding ground to be open to other cultures, so for the outsider it looks like an superior complex while the culture itself had to deal with limited resources, and how to prosper under this conditions, leading to very little interaction with foreign cultures, and if then they where violent.
Consider how often China tried to invade Japan over history, nothing that encourages to receive visitors with open arms or building a strong tourism industrie.
Compare to Europe for example, whole nations on the move all the time, trade from stoneage on from north africa up to north europe, people did rub all the time elbows with strangers not only during war times but in peacefull times too.
Beside brief times of nationalism there where always whole cities changing there place overnight, Kings interested in immigrants to import new industries invited whole populations.
North germany people from france for art and weaving, Russia people from england to gain people able to build good ships and do mining, the Swiss where all over the place as Mercenaries.
Compared to that Japan pretty much had only interaction with outsiders at swordpoint, it's closest neighbour was an country with strong armees and often in the mood to move it borders, outside.
Foreigners meant trouble.
So maybe more an cultural reflex, not racism.
(All that is what i think is the reason why things are the way they are, i am not formally educated in sociologie, i just like to read a lot)
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samurai8 (User)
Platinum Boarder
Posts: 459
. 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 4
Last Edit: 2012/02/03 16:34 By samurai8.
Meaning of life is simply,"now" Not worry about past you cannot change it,Not worry about future it will simply arrive,Do very best for yourself,also all living creatures,
"Now" in this moment,this is all we have,Qunli Bond
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