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Need a buddy to learn japanese with (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: Need a buddy to learn japanese with
Kotonichan17 (User)
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Need a buddy to learn japanese with 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0  
Konnichiwa,Im Courtney. Im 17 and live in Chicago.I plan on becoming a veterinarian when I go to college(Im a junior in high school currently).I want to go to japan when Im older.I have several reasons for going(anime,manga,etc but I also like the japanese culture and the language). I take mandarin chinese at school.Id like to get Rosetta Stone so I could learn more japanese.I only kinda know five japanese words(Kawaii,konnichiwa,gomen nesai,baka,and hai) but I dont know how to read them.But it would be helpful to have someone to learn japanese with.Im a fluent english speaker(I could teach english and the other person could teach me japanese).

Gomen(sorry) if i posted in the wrong place or if this post is stupid. ^-^"

Bye-ne for now.
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imtheonlysane1here (User)
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Re:Need a buddy to learn japanese with 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 1  
Hi, I've been using Rosetta Stone to learn Japanese for a few months now. I don't know too much but I can tell you how to pronounce the words and what the basic grammar rules are, as well as some beginning vocabulary. Let me know if you're interested.
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ctcdreamer/Kurisutaru (User)
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Re:Need a buddy to learn japanese with 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0  
yeah, me too.I speak fluent English as well.I've learned some Japanese by watching anime. It got me into wanting to learn everything Japan. Also watching English subbed versions of anime as well as listenng to english subbed Japanese music helps. I learned quite a few things. People correct me if I'm wrong, but the sentence structure of the Japanese language is backwards of how English is( at least sometimes ). You can learn a lot of Japanese from anime. it's good to look up the words in romanji so you can find out what a word means.I hope this helps.
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Kamisoyokaze (User)
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Re:Need a buddy to learn japanese with 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 2  
Ok lol I signed up just to reply to this thread

First off Rosetta stone is a waste of time and if you are buying it legitly it's a major waste of money, the reason why it costs so much isn't because of the quality but because of how much money they put into advertising, which is probably why you have heard of it too. I tried it out, the only things gained really were a few words and better pronunciation.

Instead learn use things like tae kims guide / complete guide to Japanese. Or splash out and buy a text-book like genki, basically there are tonnes of cheaper or free alternatives that will give you a much better understanding and skill in the language.

And to ctcdreamer/Kurisutaru:
The sentence structure of Japanese isn't something that can be said like that, for example a complete sentence in Japanese would be taberu (食べる), which is just one word but would equal a sentence like I am going to eat or He is going to eat or I am eating or she is eating (you get the drift). So you can't really compare Japanese to English, they are not alike.

As for your comment about looking words up in romaji, trust me once you can read hiragana you will never want to look back at romaji, it's horrible. Just spend a little time learning Hiragana and katakana and then learn Kanji over time
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ctcdreamer/Kurisutaru (User)
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Re:Need a buddy to learn japanese with 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0  
Thnx.I wasn't too sure if I was right anyway.I'm surprised that Rosetta stone is not what it appears to be...intersesting...Thnx again for the corrections and the advice I really appreciate it Oh, if you refer to my name in a comment, instead of typing in both, you can refer to just one. I'm better known as ctcdreamer, but you could use Kurisutaru if you want.
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Don Mici (User)
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Re:Need a buddy to learn japanese with 12 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0  
I Know Hiragana and Katakana, My pronunciation is really good and Im learning Radicals for Kanji(: I know basic grammar rules and im 17 from FL I just need a person to help me stick with this language since it is for college so let me know (:
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