Let's see....
These are simply my opinions and experiences. I do NOT want to get into a slanging match with anyone who had different experiences.
Japanese females in their twenties can indeed be like the type described in the video. Very confident etc. However, they are absolutely looking for a fun time without having to put out too much or go to too much effort, they simply want to be pampered.
They start to loosen up in their thirties but then tend to fall into the categories of, "I want to get married and have a baby and someone to pay my way in life" orrrrr, "I want to live abroad and have someone pay my way in life, and maybe have a baby".
In their forties it can be difficult to have a conversation on MSN,Skype or online dating site without them asking to webcam or send provocative pics that were unsolicited etc.
The LAST thing to believe is that they are anything at all like the way they present themselves when putting on the prim and proper....of course that can sometimes be true when they are NOT into you.