Good morning/evening/other, good sir/madam/other!
I just thought I'd make sure this forum contained a link to what I think is an excellent way of learning another language in my spare time.
So without (much) further ado:
As I was poking through the internet in search of tips on how to gain a basic understanding of the Japanese language, I stumbled upon a blog written by a fine fellow named
Khatzumoto, in which he explained how he went about learning Japanese (and later Chinese) in his spare time, in a both fun and efficient way:
"All Japanese, All The Time".
He does not tell you what to do. What he does is tell you what
he did, and offer advice on improvements and what might suit
you. And while the title seems rather demanding, he himself did it alongside a lot of other busy stuff, so have no fear there: the method is the point, and that you don't stop doing it.
It was this blog that introduced me to the SRS, an extremely useful repetition tool that's his recommended Kanji studying tool. His blog is also very well written, funny and inspiring.
Well, that's enough chatter from me for now.
I'm only at 400 kanji at the moment, myself, but I thought that while these forums might not be the most active, they certainly contain some useful information, and as my search didn't find any AJATT results, I thought I'd make sure there were some.
So, again:
* Clicky!
* (See bottom asterisk; links replaced by Google instruction)
NOTE: As the title suggests, his advice is applicable not only to English-speakers learning Japanese, but can also help Japanese people practice English, or <Your nationality> people learning <Other language>.
His funny, motivational (and sizeable) blog can help motivate you to learn anything, really.
So yeah. Just thought I'd drop AJATT in here, as I find it great.
Yours sincerely,
Some wierd Norwegian student person creature who decided to learn Japanese.
Another note: I did read posts and search several times to see if this would be superflous, but did not find any mention of AJATT. But, knowing how forums tend to have stuff somewhere anyway, I apologize if I've somehow missed a thread that makes this one unnecessary.)
Just saw this:
P.S. You should remove that link from your post before the admin see it or you will be deleted and blocked..
we used to allow links here but had too many problems with spam and virus stuff..
and so I removed the links, and replaced them with this:
*Getting to AJATT: Google "AJATT" or "All Japanese All The Time" and it'll be right there.
(At 425 now, yay! :] )